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Staffing agencies in Houston

Our group policy is Blue Cross Blue Shield for medical and United Healthcare for dental and vision coverage. MIT pays $200/mo. toward employee premiums for medical and includes $10,000 of basic life insurance.

All employee benefits are eligible after 90 days of employment for any W2d employee.

All full time salaried employees are eligible for vacation upon accrual of 2 wks/yr during the first 5 years of employment and 3 wks/yr after 5 years of employment. Client holiday pay is recognized for salaried employees.

MIT's 401K is administered by ADP. Eligibility is after 90 days of employment for W2d employee.

Bonus Pay
Various Bonus options based on categories such as hours worked, referrals, performance, client satisfaction, etc.

Foreign National Sponsoring
MIT recognizes the need for H1B, F4, and Green Card Sponsoring.

Direct Deposit
ADP's payroll service allows for efficient, timely deposits direct to your bank account after your 1st pay check.

Referral Fees
MIT offers up to $500.00 for each qualified referral resulting in a placement.

Cafeteria Plan
Pre-tax Options are available.

Career Advancement
Career Advancement Counseling

If you need addiitonal information on anything above, please call
713-934-9700 , ext 102.


MIT Professionals, Inc. is a cutting-edge national staffing agency based in Houston, Texas..
MIT Professionals specializes in Information Technology, Supply Chain, Executive and Oil and Gas staffing and recruiting.

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© 2015 MIT Professionals, Inc. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: MIT (Morgan Information Technology) Professionals, Inc. is not affiliated with or Endorsed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Any reference to "MIT" herein refers exclusively to MIT (Morgan Information Technology) Professionals, Inc., not the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.